Thursday, June 14, 2012

Summer is coming need comments

Hello,how are you doing? All excited about summer coming soon.I am looking forward to Bark In The Park on June 22.I love all the fun and dogs.Please post some comments or ideas.Here are some of my ideas for this summer I will get some guest appearances from some blogs I love.I know alot of health will be involved.Post some comments I love Lassie has helped me out here please donate.Write comments,share with your friends and family tell your co workers,your best friend,your piano teacher,your hair stylist. We need some pawsomness in here,some furry fusion,some animal lovers joy,music,groom the fun so hard it all stays in here,I wish I would get comments. Answer these questions on comments.     Do you have a dog? How many people have you shared this to? How do you like your eggs?What is your favorite color?What is better skittles or york bars? Post your answers and any other comments. Woof,Shy low the master.    P.s. Do not put spell check on that. I crack myself up no I actually do not I am still in 1 part.ha

1 comment:

  1. This post just made me crack up...oh wait no I'm still in one piece :) I loved it shiloh! Thanks for sharing your doglife with us :) My favorite color is turquoise and red :) but I always wear, navy, gray and black and beige, blah. Your blog is so much fun!
